Selected Drone Trademark Registrations

Drone Trademarks

U.S. Reg. No. 4897917

The following drone trademarks were registered in February 2016:

 4904829  LEADRISE  Shenzhen Linglu Technology Co., Ltd.
 4900773  DRONE DOCTOR  Maxsur, LLC
 4900208  AVIAN  Avian Engineering LLC
 4897917  DRONES ETC  Drones Etc., LLC
 4899624  CAROLINA DRONZ  Dronzplus LLC
 4899354  ENDLESS AERIAL  Mcgowan, Matthew
 4897165  Avian LLC
 4899107  SUNLIGHT  Sunlight Photonics Inc.
 4896677  AERIALPIXELS  Aerialpixels
 4899800  CIRCLE GARAGE start-up innovativa S.r.l

Selected Drone Trademark Applications

Drone Trademarks

U.S. Serial No. 86895249

The following drone trademark applications were filed in February 2016:

 App. No.   Word Mark  Applicant
 86924005  AIRDROP  Airdrop LLC
 86923952  PHONE DRONE ETHOS  xCraft Enterprises, LLC
 86923940  XTREM RAIDERS  Babia Studio, S.L.
 86922899  DRONEHIVE  Dronehive, Inc.
 86922730  AIRREVO  PRODRONE Co., Ltd.
 86922637  ROS LA’FLEUR  Gaines, Devan
 86922552  TRONFY  Shenzhen Zhihui Technology Co., Ltd.
 86915612  DRONE360  Kalmbach Publishing Co.
 86922439  THE DRONE BOSS  Aerial Real Estate Photography DBA
 86914600  BE INFINITE  iDrone, LLC

Drone Trademarks — Definitions

As we use the term here, a “drone” is a vehicle that does not have an on-board human operator. Most drones have some degree of autonomous operation. At least some aspect of a drone’s operation is controlled internally. This requires a computer and software. Vehicles that require a human to control every aspect of operation, such as a hobbyist’s remote controlled airplane, are generally not considered drones.

Most drones use a mixture of autonomous and human control. For example, a drone may have the ability to automatically stabilize itself by adjusting control elements and power settings, but a person is needed to tell the drone where to go.

Aerial drones are known by many different names and acronyms.  Here are the most popular:

  • Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV)
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
  • Unmanned Aircraft (UA)
  • Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
  • Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV)

Drone trademarks are trademarks that have been filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and that are related to drone products and services.

More Information

Please see our trademark page for more information on trademarks and our intellectual property page for more information on intellectual property. Please contact us if we can be of assistance to you.

Your trademarks are valuable intellectual property. Please contact us if you need assistance protecting your trademarks.