Gamification is the use of games in a non-game context for problem solving and engaging users. This process improves user engagement, return on investment, data quality, and learning.
I recently arrived in Hong Kong and was reminded how vibrant this city is. Not only are there construction projects on about every block, but there are plans for some major new projects.
Hong Kong Macau Bridge
One of these projects is the most ambitious civil engineering projects I have heard of in a long time. It comprises a series of bridges, tunnels, container ports, customs clearing areas and other facilities that will connect Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai. A section of tunnel will run from one artificial island to another and a long bridge will extend the rest of the way across the bay. A shipping channel will cross over the tunnel section and several other shipping channels will pass under bridge spans. The project is expected to cost about US$10.7 billion, but my guess is that it will be much higher.
This is not a “bridge to nowhere”. A large population and copious amounts of trade will be served by the project.
China is known for aggressively forging ahead with development projects regardless of environmental impact. But in this case, the project involves the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, which have different laws and legal systems. A legal challenge involving environmental impact actually stalled the project for a year.
But the government is doing its best to market the project to the public. The information website includes a “WOW! Zone” complete with Hong Kong Macau Bridge games. Players can travel a virtual bridge and take pictures of animals and insects. This is an interesting use of interactive gaming technology to promote a government project. It only needs a gambling component to make it fit in with Macau’s casinos.
While the project appears to be low tech, it will undoubtedly use some of the latest construction technology. What intellectual property will be developed as a result of this project?