Selected Nevada Trademark Registrations
The following Nevada trademarks were registered in July 2015:
Reg. Number | Word Mark | Owner |
4778706 | NPF | National Pacific Finance Corporation LLC |
4779257 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH | International Academy of Business and Economics |
4783578 | CHANGE IT 21 | Change it Investors, LLC |
4782075 | Market Watch Franchise & Consulting, Inc. | |
4782063 | EVERTHERE | AT&T Intellectual Property II, L.P. |
4782049 | GLYSTRICTIN | Limitless IP Holdings, LLC |
4781991 | BELTERRA PARK CARES | Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. |
4781824 | Go Trek USA LLC | |
4781777 | PROTESTER | Dwyer, Anthony, F |
Selected Nevada Trademark Applications
The following Nevada trademark applications were filed in July 2015:
Serial Number | Word Mark | Owner |
86712046 | EYE OF THE PYRAMID | Konami Gaming, Inc. |
86712045 | ORIENTAL FESTIVAL | Konami Gaming, Inc. |
86712043 | TWIN FEVER | Konami Gaming, Inc. |
86712042 | WILD STACK FEVER | Konami Gaming, Inc. |
86712041 | MERLIN’S WAND | Konami Gaming, Inc. |
86712040 | CONCERTO | Konami Gaming, Inc. |
86712039 | WINNING ANIMALS | Konami Gaming, Inc. |
86711991 | COLD RELIEF | T.R.P. Company, Inc. |
86711929 | FLU RELIEF | T.R.P Company, Inc. |
Nevada Trademarks July 2015 — Definitions
A Nevada trademark application is an application that has been filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and that is owned by an entity that has a Nevada address. Once a Nevada trademark application has been examined and approved and all requirements have been satisfied, it becomes a Nevada registered trademark.
More Information
Please see our trademark page for more information on trademarks and our intellectual property page for more information on intellectual property. Please see our other indexes. Please contact us if we can be of assistance to you.