by Ian Burns | Dec 21, 2014 | China, Hong Kong, Indexes, Patents, Trademarks, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Uncategorized
China Intellectual Property Index December 2014 The China Intellectual Property Index increased 17% from the previous month and increased 29% from the year before. Selected Patents Pat. No. Title Assignee 8,925,067 Network Access Authentication Huawei Technologies Co....
by Ian Burns | May 6, 2014 | Drone, Indexes, Trademarks, UAV, Uncategorized
Drone Trademark Index April 2014 9 drone trademarks were registered in April 2014. This is a 350% increase from the previous month and a 125% increase from the year before. 25 new drone trademark applications were filed in April 2014. This is a 79% increase from the...