by Ian Burns | Jun 3, 2015 | Indexes, Patents, Uncategorized, Virtual Currency
Selected Virtual Currency Patents PAT. NO. Title 9,039,508 Multi-mode multi-jurisdiction skill wagering interleaved game 9,031,829 Systems and methods for multi-user multi-lingual communications 9,022,286 Multi-functional credit card type portable electronic device...
by Ian Burns | Jun 3, 2015 | Indexes, Nevada Intellectual Property, Patents, Uncategorized
Selected Nevada Patents PAT. NO. Title D730,513 Personal mouthpiece D730,453 Dodecahedron die 9,043,880 Directory service user exportation system 9,043,502 Portable computing device as control mechanism 9,043,463 Providing extendible network capabilities for...
by Ian Burns | Jun 3, 2015 | Drone, Indexes, Patents, UAV, Uncategorized
Drone Patents May 2015 The following drone patents were granted in May 2015. PAT. NO. Title D730,244 Unmanned aerial vehicle 9,043,129 Method for governing a speed of an autonomous vehicle 9,043,072 Methods and systems for correcting an estimated heading using a map...