Virtual Currency Trademark Index November 2014

Virtual Currency Trademark Index November 2014
© ATIP Law 2014

Virtual Currency Trademark Index November 2014

16 new virtual currency trademark applications were filed in November 2014. This is a 45% decrease from the previous month and a 14% increase from the year before.

6 virtual currency trademarks were registered in November 2014. This is a 50% increase from the previous month and remain unchanged from the year before.

Selected Registered Trademarks

Registration # Word Mark Owner
4646424 WALETEROS Van De Put, Roxane
4640767 Gamaga, Inc.
4637010 GAMAGA Gamaga, Inc.
4636404 LYCANCOIN Johnson, David
4635608 ELEGANI Elegani LLC


Virtual Currency Trademark Index November 2014

U.S. Reg. #4640767


Selected Trademark Applications

Serial # Word Mark Owner
86466868 FAITH NATIONAL BANK Christopher Bishop INDIVIDUAL
86466353 LOADPAY Internet Truckstop LLC
86463299 DOT MONEY Majors, Eric R INDIVIDUAL
86460216 BILL CONNECT MasterCard International Incorporated
86459217 ZENCOIN Matthew Morley INDIVIDUAL
86458163 COINTELLER Bitcoin Teller, LLC
86458158 BITCOINTELLER Bitcoin Teller, LLC
86457934 EHOPPER KBOS Holding LLC
86453981 CIPHREX Ciphrex Corp


Virtual Currency Trademark Index November 2014

US Serial #76717192


As we use it here, “virtual currencies” include digital currencies, cryptocurrencies and other innovative electronic currencies. Virtual currencies may include Bitcoin, Darkcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Mastercoin, Namecoin, NXT, Peercoin, Ripple, etc.

The Virtual Currency Trademark Index tracks trademarks applications that have been filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Once a trademark application has been examined and approved by the Trademark Office and all requirements have been satisfied, it becomes a registered trademark.

More Information

Please see our trademark page for more information on trademarks and our intellectual property page for more information on intellectual property.

Please contact us if we can be of assistance to you.