Virtual Currency Trademark Registrations

Virtual Currency Trademarks

U.S. Reg. No. 4983641

The following virtual currency trademarks were registered in June 2016:

Reg. No.  Word Mark  Owner
 4986374  DAYBREAK CASH  Daybreak Game Company LLC
 4983641  SKIP Tantrum Street LLC
 4978845  RIVET  Rivetz Corp.
 4978614  LIBRA  Libra Services, Inc.
 4971579  IPFS  Interplanetary Networks, Inc.
 4978381  F  Facebook, Inc.
 4985805  COINIFY  Coinify ApS

Virtual Currency Trademark Applications

Virtual Currency Trademarks

U.S. Serial No. 87061063

The following virtual currency trademark applications were filed in June 2016:

Serial Number Word Mark Owner
 87083738  GREENBUCKS  Alesi, Darren
 87077188  PRIVATE CLIENT GROUP  Huntington Bancshares Incorporated
 87076868  KURRENT  TYME LLC
 87073049  SC  SweatCo, Ltd.
 87073042  SWEATCOIN  SweatCo, Ltd.
 87070187  YITONG AGREE  Peng ShuangQuan
 87065415  BIDCOIN  Bidchat, Inc.

Virtual Currency Trademarks — Definitions

As we use it here, “virtual currencies” include digital currencies, cryptocurrencies and other innovative electronic currencies, such as Bitcoin, Darkcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Mastercoin, Namecoin, NXT, Peercoin, Ripple.

Virtual currency trademark applications are applications that have been filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and that are used with a related good or service. Once a trademark application has been examined and all requirements have been satisfied, the Trademark Office registers the trademark.

More Information

Please see our trademark page for more information on trademarks and our intellectual property page for more information on intellectual property.

Your trademarks are valuable intellectual property. Please contact us if you need assistance protecting your trademarks.

Please contact us if we can be of assistance to you.