Drone Patent Index March 2015
59 drone patents were granted in March. This is a 34% increase from February and a 293% increase from the year before. 40 drone patent application were published in March. This is a 29% increase from February and exactly the same as the year before.
Selected Drone Patents
Selected Drone Patent Applications
We try to limit the Drone Patent Index to patents and patent applications that appear to be substantially related to and intended for use with drones. Since drones use a very wide range of technologies (please see our drone technology article), we do not attempt to include every patent or application that could be applied to drones. As we use it here, the term “drone” includes any autonomous vehicle. Please let us know if we have missed any important patents.
Drone patent applications are applications that have been filed with and published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Although most applications are published, a small percentage (about 7% nation wide) are not published for various reasons. Patent applications are generally published 18 months after the first priority date of the application. Published applications have not necessarily been examined and some applications will be abandoned after publication. Once an application is examined and approved and all fees and formalities have been satisfied, the Patent Office grants a patent.
More Information
Please see our patent page for more information on patents and our intellectual property page for more information on intellectual property. Please contact us if we can be of assistance to you.