by Ian Burns | Jun 6, 2016 | Indexes, Patents, Trademarks, Uncategorized, Virtual Currency
Virtual Currency Intellectual Property Index — Q1 2016 The number of granted virtual currency patents decreased 35% and the number of published virtual currency patent applications decreased by 46%. The number of registered virtual currency trademarks increased by 31%...
by Ian Burns | Jun 5, 2016 | Drone, Indexes, Patents, Trademarks, UAV, Uncategorized
Drone Intellectual Property Index — First Quarter 2016 The number of granted drone patents decreased 8% and the number of published drone patent applications increased 4%. The number of registered drone trademarks increased 22% and the number of new drone trademarks...
by Ian Burns | Jun 4, 2016 | Indexes, Nevada Business, Nevada Intellectual Property, Patents, Trademarks, Uncategorized
Nevada Intellectual Property Index — First Quarter 2016 The number of granted Nevada patents increased 18% and the number of published Nevada patent applications decreased by 7%. The number of registered Nevada trademarks decreased 6% and the number of new Nevada...