by Ian Burns | Aug 3, 2015 | Drone, Indexes, Patents, UAV, Uncategorized
Drone Patents July 2015 The following drone patents were granted in July 2015: PAT. NO. Title 9,094,816 Method and system for an emergency location information service (E-LIS) from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) 9,094,392 GNSS receiver autonomous signal authentication...
by Ian Burns | Jul 7, 2015 | Drone, Indexes, Patents, UAV, Uncategorized
Drone Patents June 2015 The following drone patents were granted in June 2015: PAT. NO. Title 9,071,819 System and method for providing temporal-spatial registration of images 9,070,289 System and method for detecting, tracking and estimating the speed of vehicles...
by Ian Burns | Jun 3, 2015 | Drone, Indexes, Patents, UAV, Uncategorized
Drone Patents May 2015 The following drone patents were granted in May 2015. PAT. NO. Title D730,244 Unmanned aerial vehicle 9,043,129 Method for governing a speed of an autonomous vehicle 9,043,072 Methods and systems for correcting an estimated heading using a map...
by Ian Burns | May 14, 2015 | Drone, Indexes, Patents, UAV, Uncategorized
Drone Patent Index April 2015 28 drone patents were granted in April. This is a 53% decrease from March and a 12% increase from the previous year. 46 drone patent application were published in April. This is a 15% increase from March and a 109% increase from the year...
by Ian Burns | Apr 6, 2015 | Drone, Indexes, Patents, UAV, Uncategorized
Drone Patent Index March 2015 59 drone patents were granted in March. This is a 34% increase from February and a 293% increase from the year before. 40 drone patent application were published in March. This is a 29% increase from February and exactly the same...