by Ian Burns | Jan 14, 2014 | Intellectual Property Law, Patent Attorneys, Patent Office, Patents, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Uncategorized
How to Read Patents In Part I of this article we discussed how to read the front page of a patent. In this Part II we will look at the drawings, specification and claims. Drawings Most utility patents include a number of drawings following the front page of the...
by Ian Burns | Jan 10, 2014 | Intellectual Property Law, Patent Attorneys, Patent Office, Patents, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Uncategorized
Entrepreneurs, executives, engineers, venture capital investors and others are often faced with important decisions related to patents: file a patent application for a new invention commercialize or use a product that may infringe another party’s patent invest in a...
by Ian Burns | Dec 10, 2013 | Innovation, Patent Attorneys, Patent Office, Patents, Uncategorized
Inventors and start-up companies often ask me how to patent an invention. What is the best way to begin the patent process? Here are some tips every inventor or company should take to begin protecting an invention. Invent Something Since you are reading this, you...
by Ian Burns | Mar 18, 2013 | First-to-File, Intellectual Property Law, Invention, Patent Attorneys, Patent Office, Patents, Priority, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Uncategorized
Patent Value Report The value of your patents may be more than you think. A recent report indicates that the median price paid for a granted U.S. patent in 2012 was $221,000 and the average price was $374,000. This is great news for patent owners. The report released...
by Ian Burns | Mar 4, 2013 | Domain Names, Fraud, Government, Intellectual Property Law, Patent Attorneys, Patent Office, Patents, Scams, Trademarks, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Uncategorized
KEY TAKEAWAY: If ATIP Law is your attorney of record for a matter, do not respond to any correspondence or pay any bill that you receive from a third party for that matter. If there is any doubt, please send the correspondence to us to review. When we file documents...
by Firm | Feb 2, 2013 | Intellectual Property Law, Nevada Courts, Patent Attorneys, Uncategorized
Small Claims Court for Patent Disbutes You may be familiar with small claims courts through your local court system or television programs like Judge Judy. Sometime soon we may see a Judge Judy for patent cases. Small Claims Court could be more Efficient Patent...