by Ian Burns | Dec 10, 2013 | Innovation, Patent Attorneys, Patent Office, Patents, Uncategorized
Inventors and start-up companies often ask me how to patent an invention. What is the best way to begin the patent process? Here are some tips every inventor or company should take to begin protecting an invention. Invent Something Since you are reading this, you...
by Ian Burns | Nov 24, 2013 | Business Entities, Intellectual Property Law, Micro Entity, Nevada Business, Uncategorized
Micro-Businesses According to the California Association for Micro Enterprise Opportunity (CAMEO), micro-businesses (businesses with one to four employees) are the real job creators. From 2004 to 2010, micro-businesses created far more jobs than large firms....
by Ian Burns | Aug 15, 2013 | Engineers, General, Innovation, Nevada Courts, UAV, Uncategorized
Nevada is no stranger to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, sometimes called drones). Many Predator and Reaper UAVs that fly missions around the world are piloted from Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. If you drive north from Las Vegas on highway US95, look up when you...
by Ian Burns | Apr 16, 2013 | Innovation, Intellectual Property Law, Patent Office, Patents, Technology, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, Uncategorized, Valuation
Patent Value Report The value of your patents may be more than you think. A recent report indicates that the median price paid for a granted U.S. patent in 2012 was $221,000 and the average price was $374,000. This is great news for patent owners. The report released...
by Ian Burns | Feb 9, 2013 | Intellectual Property Law, Nevada Courts, Uncategorized
Patent Infringement Litigation A company called Unwired Planet has filed separate complaints against technology industry giants Apple and Google in Nevada for patent infringement. The complaints filed in Federal Court in Reno accuse Apple and Google of infringing 10...